Illuminating Wisdom: Book Launch and Exhibition
Talented Melbourne-based couple, artist Deirdre Hassed, and Dr Craig Hassed, an internationally recognised mindfulness expert, have combined their passion for beauty and wisdom to create a book to nourish the soul.
Illuminating Wisdom is a beautiful celebration of some of the world’s most inspiring philosophical, spiritual and literary quotes. Approximately 80 quotes have been drawn from some of the great wisdom and literary traditions of East and West.
- Kinross Arts & Spirituality Centre & Manse Gallery Cafe
- 603 Toorak Road, Toorak VIC 3142
- 03 9829 0340 or 0404 078 105
Book Launch
- Time: 6–8 PM, Friday 3 March, 2017
- Location: Kinross Arts & Spirituality Centre
- Download the media release
Special Guest Speaker: Dr Ian Gawler OAM
Dr Ian Gawler, prominent advocate for the
therapeutic application of mind-body medicine
and meditation.
Dr Ian Gawler has over 30 years experience in Meditation Retreats and Therapeutic Meditation. A well known advocate of self-help techniques and a healthy lifestyle, he is one of Australia’s most experienced and respected authorities on Mind-Body Medicine and meditation. Ian is also a good friend, a lover of wisdom, an artist and a lover of art which makes him ideally suited to launch Illuminating Wisdom.
Books, original art and prints for sale.
- Duration: 1–26 March, 2017
- Opening Times: 8.30 AM–3.30 PM (Monday to Friday) and Sunday 12–4 PM
- Location: Kinross Arts & Spirituality Centre
- Download the flier
Special Presentation: Dr Craig Hassed
Dr Craig Hassed, coordinator of mindfulness programs
at Monash University, and co-author of
Illuminating Wisdom.
- Time: 11 AM–12 PM, Thursday 16 March, 2017
- Location: Kinross Arts & Spirituality Centre
Associate Professor Craig Hassed is the coordinator of mindfulness programs at Monash University. His teaching, research and clinical interests include mindfulness-based stress management, mind-body medicine, meditation, health promotion, integrative medicine and medical ethics. Craig has a long-term interest in philosophy and the world's great wisdom traditions.
Examples from the exhibition